Estate & Legacy Planning

Estate & Legacy Planning
There is no such thing as having an estate that is too small to require planning. Your estate is everything you own, not just your home. It is your total net worth at any point in time, which includes all of your assets, including property. At the Nida Financial Group, we will help to implement financial strategies throughout your life to help ensure all of your belongings will pass to your heirs in the smoothest way possible. We strive to leverage all of the existing tax laws to limit estate taxes and mitigate unnecessary expenses, which means more of your wealth will pass to your family in a smooth and harmonious manner.
Estate planning also entails the technical aspects of the disbursement of your assets at the time of your demise. It differs somewhat from Legacy Planning, which focuses more on the emotional component of how you want to be remembered and the impression you want to leave on your surroundings after your death. Where Estate Planning is more focused on the distribution of your assets, Legacy Planning concerns more of the heritage you want to leave behind.
In terms of your Legacy, this element of planning puts a primary focus on answering the question, how important is it to you to have both a financial and personal stake in the future of your family and the causes that are dear to you? From a legacy standpoint, we want to know, how much do you care about what happens to your heirs and your personal pursuits after you are gone? At the Nida Financial Group, we want to make sure that not only are your assets properly distributed, but also we want to ensure to we have taken the appropriate steps to continue your vision for your family and your name long after your departure.
Some of the areas that go into Legacy and Estate Planning include:
- Wills
- Trusts
- Life Insurance
- Elder care planning
- Asset protection strategies
- Coordination of all assets
Remember, even the smallest of estates can have major issues if not planned correctly. In a time of sorrow, don’t burden your family with the added weight of having to fight a battle in court. Take time today to contact the Nida Financial Group and begin your Legacy and Estate Planning today.
Nida Financial Group and LPL Financial do not provide legal advice or services.